UTSC’s Official Finance Club

Investment Society


Event Alert:

Register for Eclipse Case Competition - 2nd Edition: https://www.eclipsecompetition.ca/


Four management student organizations at the University of Toronto (MIBA, MTA, SIG, I$) have partnered together to bring forth a multidisciplinary case competition for all undergraduate students in Ontario.

The case studies will optimize four streams of business: Project Management, Finance, Technology and ESG.

Eclipse is an all day event that includes multiple case rounds, speaker series, a networking session, a formal lunch, and much more! Eclipse provides students with the opportunity to put their analysis and communication skills to the test by solving complex business problems in an intensive team environment.

In addition, participants have the chance to strengthen their networking skills while meeting potential employers. Ultimately, our goal is to support them through career development opportunities and develop lasting connections, allowing students to excel in their professional and academic lives while creating fun and unforgettable memories with new peers and friends.

The Eclipse New Moon Award aims to provide funding for participants' ideas and initiatives. Students who participate in Eclipse are given the opportunity to apply to this award which can help support their innovative ideas. If a student has a project, start-up, idea, or anything that impacts the community in a positive manner, we encourage them to apply for this amazing opportunity and receive a $1000 grant.

Competition Date: Saturday, February 4th, 2023 - 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. EST

Location: The Westin Harbour Castle, 1 Harbour Front Square, Toronto, ON M5J 2G4, Canada

Sign Up Deadline: ‪January 12th, 2023


Message From Our President

Hanujan Gnanaharan

During my first two years with Investment Society, I've had the opportunity to meet many talented students in the Management program. Many of these students were passionate about finance and working tirelessly towards a career in finance, while others students had an interest in finance, but had no idea where to begin. My vision for Investment Society is to provide students with the opportunity to enhance their learning through case competitions and workshops. I also want to provide students with networking opportunities that will grow their passion for finance. Along with running our existing events, Investment Society will be launching new events to provide a stronger platform for students to learn and grow. We look forward to seeing everyone at our events!




University of Toronto Scarborough

Less than an hour away from the heart of Downtown Toronto, our campus has it all. Nestled in the lush environment of Highland Creek is an institution offering the education of the best university in Canada on a close knit campus. We boast everything from an advanced finance trading lab (The BRIDGE) to a serene trail that leads into the playing fields of the Valley.

Our goal is to make sure when you hear PE, you think Private Equity not Physical Education
— Kajan Thana